Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Big baby boy!

Well, we are coming up on 28 weeks and bed rest has been uneventful (which is the point, right?). My blood pressure is good as long as I am off my feet-so no hospitalization for now. :-) We had a sonogram last Thursday and Baby Will is looking great!!! He is measuring about a pound heavier than normal-at 2 lbs 13 oz!!! This is music to our ears, since he will probably be early. He is completely unfazed by all the drama-unlike his mommy! I have been watching a lot of t.v. and shopping online so I can finish Will's nursery. My dad (Will's Granddaddy) is going to paint this week and we have a few baby showers coming up (which we are VERY excited about!). Keep us in your prayers.

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