Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First baby shower

We had our first baby shower this afternoon at my school. Ian and Mom came with me. It was Mom's idea to have everyone pitch in a few dollars and buy one big gift instead of each grade level buying something separate. Buffie went out on a limb (which is very unlike her) and sent an email to the staff requesting just that. Well, when we arrived at the shower today we saw that the school had bought us our travel system!!!!! Ian and I were both soooo excited! It was a very big purchase and we were assuming we would have to buy it ourselves. The generosity of the staff is amazing and we couldn't be happier! My fifth grade team did a beautiful job and had a delicious punch, three fabulous cakes, and beautiful flowers on the table. Mom also bought us the hamper that matches Will's bedding and it was FULL of tons of gifts. She gave us a taggy blanket, an "It's a Boy!" Christmas ornament, some precious wooden hangers, and LOTS of other stuff! She even gave us the silver teething ring that I used as a baby. We had a great time and it couldn't have been better!

Monday, November 17, 2008

It's beginning to look like a baby's room

Steve finished the painting on Saturday and I did a little bit of shopping on Sunday to get some odds and ends. Now, it's starting to come together. Since it's looking so nice in there, I've opted to move my sleeping quarters to the living room...but that's another story.

Here's what you'll see in the photos: a) Lola decided to help Steve put the first coat of paint on the walls b) Steve painting c-e) the furniture in Will's room and our new blue walls.

Still lots to do, but it's getting there.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Big baby boy!

Well, we are coming up on 28 weeks and bed rest has been uneventful (which is the point, right?). My blood pressure is good as long as I am off my feet-so no hospitalization for now. :-) We had a sonogram last Thursday and Baby Will is looking great!!! He is measuring about a pound heavier than normal-at 2 lbs 13 oz!!! This is music to our ears, since he will probably be early. He is completely unfazed by all the drama-unlike his mommy! I have been watching a lot of t.v. and shopping online so I can finish Will's nursery. My dad (Will's Granddaddy) is going to paint this week and we have a few baby showers coming up (which we are VERY excited about!). Keep us in your prayers.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Bed rest at 26 weeks!!!!

Well, I went to see Dr. Speight, my ob, last Friday and she was concerned about my weight gain and swelling. These are two things a girl NEVER wants to hear! Anyway, she put me on a low sodium diet and told me to check my blood pressure once a week. Ian decided he would go on the diet with me (what a trooper!) and we went shopping last weekend for a variety of foods low in salt. We have been doing great on the diet and I have actually been feeling better this week. I had the school nurse check my blood pressure today and it was pretty high. I called the doctor and they wanted to see me right away. When I got there, they took my blood pressure again and it was still too high. Dr. Speight informed me that I am to be on STRICT bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy! That's three months!!!! Well, needless to say, I am nervous and disappointed and sad and a million other emotions that I won't bore you with right now. What's most important is that William is doing fine (I heard his heart beat today) and that we caught it early. I will have an ob appointment once a week now and sonograms every two weeks. They are keeping a close eye on things and as long as my blood pressure stays within normal range while at home, they won't put me in the hospital. Say a prayer for us! We will keep you posted!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I am an expectant mother!

Ever since I can remember, I have dreamed of being able to park in the "Expectant Mothers Only" parking spots at the mall and other places. I used to see these open spaces and wish I was having a baby and could park there. Well, I have finally gotten my wish! A few weeks ago, Ian and I went to Babies 'R Us to shop for a gift for a friend's baby and we got to park in this spot! I was so excited that I asked Ian to take a picture of it!!! Sometimes the smallest things bring the most joy!

New furniture

I don't care what anyone says. The only fun part of putting together baby furniture is when it's in a box and then when it's done. Everything in between is a beating. I put the crib together using the instructions only to find that the end pieces were on the wrong ends so it all came apart and then got put together again. Luckily, I had a helper (see Lola picture). My guess...William will be safer sleeping in a dresser drawer than in the crib his dad put together. It looks nice though.

Next up...painting. That I know how to do without directions.

Monday, September 8, 2008

William Beckett Rinestine

Our new baby, William Beckett (or Will - no "Bill" please) will be joining the family soon. We found out today that it is FOR SURE (if you know what we mean) a baby boy. William is already a big boy with head, abdomen, and body measurements at 19 1/2 weeks, though Ashlee's only 18 weeks right now. He weighs in at 10 oz. right now, though the average is 8 oz. The doctor says he looks great. No cleft lip, heart has 4 chambers, spine looks great, brain looks genius-like well developed. We go back for a 3D sonogram on October 17th which means you'll all get to see him very soon.