Tuesday, July 22, 2008


It's been awhile since we updated our blog, so I thought I'd take a minute and do just that! We will be 12 weeks this Thursday. The babies are both 2 1/2 inches long (about the size of small fresh plums) and they weigh 1/2 an ounce each. My tummy seems to be getting bigger as well. I am feeling great! The migraines are pretty much gone and I have a little more energy these days. Ian and I are ready to see them on a sonogram again! We have an appointment to see Dr. Speight (our o/b) next Friday and we will get to hear the heartbeats for the first time! The following week we are having another sonogram. In another five weeks or so we will find out their genders!! So many important things are coming up! We will keep you all posted! :-D

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Imagine if you will

At dinner, a few nights ago, a friend took a picture of me holding 1) a two-month old and 2) a large purse. I can safely say that the purse weighed more than the baby, but gave me a good idea of what it'll be like holding two.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

New baby pics

Everything looked good on the sonogram. The doctor was very pleased with their progress. "Baby A" is still smaller than "Baby B" so we're just going to assume we have a boy ("Baby A") and a girl ("Baby B"). One can dream can't they?

For better pictures, click on the slideshow on the right. "B's" picture is fantastic. However, "B" is squishing "A" so that picture is a bit less clear. How quickly they've grown.

Baby date

Today was our first trip to the new OB/Gyn. She's really very cool. That could be because she's not poking me with various objects. She's also wearing flip-flops with her scrubs. She's our kind of doctor.

Our (her) lovely new OB/Gyn says that the due date for the twins is February 5th, though she says more likely 3 weeks earlier. So, it could be mid-January. More to come after the appointment.