Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Very sad news

It is with a very heavy heart that I make this post. Yesterday, Ashlee had a week-14 sonogram to get a look at the babies. During the exam, the radiologist and doctor confirmed that sadly, Baby B passed away.

You may be asking how this happened. We just heard the heartbeats a week ago. The doctors aren't sure about this. What is clear is that is was genetic and that the baby was no larger than 9-weeks as of yesterday.

So, we mourn. We are very sad about this for innumerable reasons. Most of all, we lost a baby and that hurts badly.

However, the silver lining is that Baby A is well. Baby A is growing and moving and kicking. We have to smile and be grateful that we'll soon have a happy and healthy baby. New video of the baby should be on here today or tomorrow.

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